Hi SnapEDA Team,
My doubt is related to RFM95W-915S2. The SnapEDA page for this part claims that the footprint was created using IPC-7351B standards. I checked the datasheet for this part and I couldn't find the dimensions of the "leads" or even the manufacturer tolerances. In my understanding, the datasheet doesn't provide enough information to be applied to IPC equations. How can I trust that the SnapEDA footprint for this part really follows the IPC standard?
Added 5 years, 2 months ago.
Hi Otavio,
Thanks for reaching out and also for reporting this issue. The RFM95W-915S2 part was not created using IPC-7351B standards, actually, it was created following the manufacturer's recommended land pattern.
There was a minor bug that got filtered in that part page but we just fixed it, you can check now that it says "This part was created using the manufacturer's recommendations" https://www.snapeda.com/parts/RFM95W-915S2/RF%20Solutions/view-part/
Answered 5 years, 2 months ago.