I've always been a loyal Snapeda user, and 80% of the three-way Kicad symbology\footprints\3D models are downloaded from Snapeda.
But lately, for some reason, finding a commonly used component in Snapeda has become very difficult. Always looking for but nothing.
Can I help you find DB201S's Links first? I hope this issue can be resolved as soon as possible.
Added 1 month, 3 weeks ago.
Thanks for your feedback! We had some troubles with our search last week, but our team was able to make some updates.
In the meantime, we now have the results of DB201S here (See Links), but we don't have a library for those. However, you can request it via our Instapart service, and our engineers will create it within one business day.
We can also ask our engineers for other recommendations, but if you need more assistance, please let us know.
Answered 1 month, 3 weeks ago.
Thank you for your timely reply and hope that the search problem can be resolved as soon as possible.
Unfortunately, DB201S is supposed to be a DBS package. The DB207S model of the same size should be more famous.
That's why I'm hoping that the site's search feature will be fixed as soon as possible, which is important for users who are happy with snapEDA. I can download the DB207S symbol/footprint/3D model to simulate the DB201S.
I'd also like to update the results of modifying DB201S if I can.
Finally, hopefully SnapEDA can get better and better. Thank you!
Answered 1 month, 3 weeks ago.
Thanks! It seems that you are trying to search using the DBS package, I also created a report to our developers so we can further investigate it. We will keep you posted once we made some updates.
Answered 1 month, 3 weeks ago.