I am on kicad and whenever I use this symbol, I never seem to understand how to use the op amp since there are less pins on symbol than footprint. ( footprint is correct). I assume the symbol is incorrect, or I'm confused. On diptrace, the symbol separates itself into 4 different standard op amps. on ki cad, it gives some weird symbol with not enough pins, and only gives me one as apposed to the 4 in quad op amp.
Added 1 year, 10 months ago.
Hi there,
Thanks for your patience. To give clarity to your concern, the op amp symbol has indeed lesser pins compared to the footprint present. Based on the datasheet, the pins 3,4,5,10,11 and 12 are all connected to a second GND which explains why on KiCad, you'll notice that the pin numbers overlap You can connect to these pins without any issues. You may refer to this article below:
In Diptrace, we tried importing the symbol and we were not able to reproduce the symbol splitted into 4 parts. We were able to import just 1 part, but this time you'll notice that it will only show Pin 3 instead of an overlapped pins(3,4,5,10,11 and 12). But if you'll check the footprint, you will see a rat line connected to those pins showing their connection.
I hope I was able to clarify your concerns. If you have any other questions, feel free to send us a message via our chat for real-time response.
Here is the link to the datasheet for reference:
Answered 1 year, 10 months ago.