Hello SnapEDA community!
We are proud to announce, after lots of feedback from our amazing community, the launch of our new SnapEDA Desktop App!
You can now place SnapEDA's symbols, footprints, and 3D models into your CAD tool in a Snap.
To get started, please go to https://snapeda.com/desktop and download the app.
These are the main features of the SnapEDA Desktop App:
1. Place parts from the web directly into your CAD tool
2. Add parts from the web directly to your local library
3. Discover new components directly from your desktop
The SnapEDA Desktop App currently supports EAGLE, Altium, and KiCad, but we'll expand to other formats soon.
Let us know which tools we should prioritize next by completing this poll: https://snapeda1.typeform.com/to/GvmCbWtd
Since the beginning, our mission has been to help engineers design electronics faster by removing barriers. As we continue on this journey, please let us know your feedback to keep improving your design productivity.
Happy designing!
The SnapEDA Team
Added 3Â years, 3Â months ago.