Dear All,
I've a question about Mechanical Layer selection.
For example, when I try to import 24LC02B/P footprin and symbol, in "Current Layer Mapping" I see the following P-CAD Layer Name and Altium Designer Layer:
1 Top Layer
2 Bottom Layer
6 Top Overlay
20 Mechanical Layer 4
At this point I try to set Layer 20 as "Mechanical Layer 13", but after selection the mechanical layer returns immediately to "mechanical Layer 4".
What am I doing wrong?
What happen if I leave "mechanical layer 4" instead of "mechanical Layer 13"?
Thank in advance
Added 6 years, 1 month ago.
Hello Stefano,
It looks like you are using AD 18. just updated my AD version to yours and I found the same issue, I was able to reproduce it and it looks like it related to this version of Altium but I was able to fix it by writing '13' with my keyboard, please check the video I am sending here. Would you please try that?
Answered 6 years, 1 month ago.