We use OrCAD17.2 CIS/CIP as our database for all of our components.
I am getting an error when net-listing this part from schematic to layout that the footprint cannot be loaded because it cannot find the associated padstack and flash symbol that this part was created with. I was able to download the footprint from the snapEDA website fine and I can open the DRA file by itself fine as well. but i am having issues making it work when added to the OrCAD CIS database.
Has anyone experienced this error before and know how to make this part work with OrCAD CIS/CIP database? Or should i be asking the OrCAD help?
Any advise is appreciated,
Added 5 years, 3 months ago.
You must copy and paste all the zip extracted file into the symbol folder of OrCAD.
follow this path and paste the all. C:\Cadence\SPB_17.2\share\pcb\pcb_lib\symbols
Answered 5 years, 3 months ago.
thanks for the response.
however, our library is located on our server not the C: drive. So i tried to do what you suggested on our server symbol folder and it still doesn't work with CIS.
in fact i tried to do it again this morning and the part causes orcad capture to immediately crash when i go to place this part from CIS onto the capture canvas. so now it doesn't work at all for me...
any other ideas?
Answered 5 years, 3 months ago.
thanks for going through my suggestion
I am using cack version of Orcad 17.2
if you are using the same, I will suggest you install it carefully.
you have skipped 1 step, In which there is a process of establishing the library file and the server.
Answered 5 years, 2 months ago.
Hello James!
Thanks for sharing your question with our forum! It looks like the part you are trying to use (TSW-102-07-G-S) does not have the padstack files inside the zip file. Can you please try to generate the padstack first?
Please follow these steps to get the padstack:
1. Open the .DRA file in Allegro
2. Go to File>Export>Libraries...
3. Select "shape and flash symbols" and "Padstacks"
4. Click on Export
After following these steps, you will see the .pad in the library folder.
Answered 5 years, 2 months ago.
Thanks Elizabeth,
Your suggestion worked for me.
Answered 5 years, 2 months ago.
I was having the same problem. Thank you very much, Elizabeth! Those steps worked perfectly.
Answered 4 years, 11 months ago.