Hi everybody!
I have downloaded a ATMEGA328P footprint from SnapEDA and I'm trying to import it into KiCad (4.0.6). I can add the symbol, but when I try to import the footprint, the wizard doesn't recognize the file (.mod)... Please, I need your help. I tried to import the footprint of another component but it doesn't work. I'm using Windows 10.
Thank you!
Added 7 years, 7 months ago.
I can add the symbol, but when I try to import the footprint, the wizard doesn't recognize the file (.mod).
I have been trying add the footprint library (.mod file) to my footprint library table, but no work.
Please I need help!!
Answered 7 years, 1 month ago.
Hello Javier,
Did you try to follow the steps I recommended before? I have created this video to explain what to do when the KiCad import wizard doesn't detect .mod files
Hope that helps
Answered 6 years, 1 month ago.
Hello there,
I recommend you to add the footprint library (.mod file) to your footprint library table (Go to KiCad, open Pcbnew, select Preferences and you'll find the Footprint Libraries Manager) otherwise, KiCad will not be able to find the footprint. Please make sure to select the right library type in the footprint library table editor. You must select the "Legacy" so KiCad knows how to parse the file.
Configuring the footprint library table is fully documented in the the KiCad user's guide: http://docs.kicad-pcb.org/stable/en/pcbnew.html#_managing_footprint_libraries_pretty_repositories
I did this process and I could add the .mod file perfectly.
Answered 7 years, 7 months ago.
I need help with this issue too.. I found a footprint (.mod file) for a flash memory W25Q128FVSIG fron winbond but its not being recognized by kicad
Answered 7 years, 1 month ago.
KiCad version 5.1 Footprint Editor has File -> Import Footprint from KiCad File dialog. Change the file filter to *.* (all files) and open the .mod file. Use File->Save to save it to your own existing library.
Answered 5 years, 9 months ago.
Thank you very much Elizabeth (Elictro)!!!! My KiCAD 5.0.2-1 import wizard in Windows 10 does not recognize the .mod file. Following the steps of your video I successfully added the .mod to the library and associated it with the symbol in Eeschema. A very useful video, thank you!
Answered 5 years, 8 months ago.
On macOS you cant change the file-pattern.
I've found that clicking the 'folder' icon next to the '+' icon below the table list works for footprints and symbols. (It even auto selects 'legacy' type)
Answered 5 years, 4 months ago.