Using the Schematic Symbol Builder for XCKU15P-1FFVE1517E or XCKU11P-1FFVE1517E, the data sheet for the XCKU11P-1FFVE1517E or XCKU11P-1FFVE1517E is not the correct document. The document it think is the data sheet has no pinout information associated with it. Can you provide the correct User Guide that contains the pin names and pin numbers?
Added 1 week, 1 day ago.
Hello there,
Thanks for reaching us. AMD (Formerly Xilinx) provides this information in a supplementary document for these models, which can be accessed at the following links:
This information is available at the following site:
Kindly let us know if you have any other inquiries, we'd be happy to help!
Answered 1 week, 1 day ago.